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Berkeley orders all students who refuse to get vaccinated for the FLU to wear a mask

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  • Berkeley orders all students who refuse to get vaccinated for the FLU to wear a mask

    The insanity continues. We know masks don't work, cannot work, and have never worked because if they did, hospital staff would wear them during flu season.

    For reasons that remain unknown, the University of California Berkeley has decided to force all students who have not been vaccinated for seasonal influenza to wear a mask at all times while indoors on campus.

    The new rule came via an online landing page for “Berkeley Coronavirus,” which states that masks are “strongly recommended, but not required” indoors – except for students who have not been injected with a flu shot, who are mandated to veil their faces.

    Masks are required during flu season if not vaccinated for flu
    the announcement on the school’s website reads.

    Prior to the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), UC Berkeley never required masks for anything. Now, post-plandemic, the school has decided to take matters into its own hands in defiance of science.

    UC Berkeley is going to force unvaccinated students to mask during flu season, despite the CDC saying that unvaccinated should now be treated the same as vaccinated
    said lawyer and United States Senate candidate Mark Meuser.

    Someone should tell UC Berkeley that they should follow the science
    On Twitter, a number of people ridiculed UC Berkeley for making up its own science, which has absolutely nothing to do with real science.

    2019 norms gone forever at Berkeley, as university makes masking compulsory in flu seasons
    one user tweeted.

    I saw some images of it and doubted it, oh no, it’s real … Never mind a 100-year old consensus masks don’t help for the flu
    wrote another.

    Worth asking how we got to this point, where two weeks to crush the curve have become a permanent crusade against seasonal respiratory infections in general
    chimed in someone else.

    Biden urges Americans to take seasonal covid “boosters”

    It turns out that nobody from the government has said a thing about masking for the flu. Berkeley simply made up the new rule out of thin air, much like how the Biden regime has decided that covid “boosters” need to be an annual affair.

    The U.S. government recently purchased – with taxpayer money, of course – 170 million doses of the new booster shot, which is available for “free” to anyone who wants (or is forced to take) it.

    Ashish Jha, the Biden regime’s Fauci Flu czar, announced that the untested injection will offer magical protection during the upcoming cold and flu season. Jha hopes that the shot will become an annual affair – meaning cha-ching! for his pocketbook.

    AstraZenea CEO Pascal Soriot, meanwhile, objects to the idea of annual injections because his company is not in on the scheme. Soriot’s excuse for objecting is that annual covid booster injections are a waste of taxpayer dollars.

    I’m not sure it’s a really good use of money
    Soriot told The Sunday Telegraph, adding that the initial shots are already protecting people for a “long time.”

    Susan Rienow, the head of vaccine production at Pfizer, disagrees. She claims that people need to “remain vigilant” against Chinese Germs, which means rolling up their sleeves every year for another new shot. (Related: The powers that be also want people to take nasal mRNA “vaccines”.)

    Making sure people are boosting their immunity, so we can prevent people from being hospitalised, is going to be really important
    Rienow declared.

    House Republicans are pushing Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to lift the Fauci Flu shot mandate immediately as it has kept some 45,000 National Guardsmen inactive since the end of June, leaving the country at risk.

    All of this is happening with the backdrop of a recruiting and retention crisis the military services have not seen in decades
    reads a letter from said House Republicans about how the mandate is making an already bad situation that much worse.

    Sources for this article include:
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