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How the fall of human civilisation has been achieved by the anti-human globalists

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  • How the fall of human civilisation has been achieved by the anti-human globalists

    Under the camouflage of "climate change," the world's Western nations have dismantled their energy infrastructure, shutting down pipelines, halting drilling, punishing coal miners and waging economic warfare on the entire energy infrastructure. As the collapse accelerates, the globalists order people to, "Go green!" but offer no practical way to actually transition from oil to anything else.

    The deliberate dismantling of the infrastructure that keeps civilisation functioning is now leading directly into mass starvation and economic collapse. This will only be exacerbated by the currency collapse that's about to be sprung on the world, leading to a rapid, global collapse of the world's dominant fiat currencies.

    In our estimation, the Euro will likely collapse in the next year, and the Yen won't be far behind. The US dollar is on its way out and is facing a global repudiation scenario where 100+ countries simultaneously denounce and abandon the dollar, leading to a near-instant wipe-out of dollar-denominated assets, followed by the collapse of the US government empire.

    The US Supreme Court, currently looking into evidence of massive voter fraud in the 2020 US election, has 3 possible outcomes:
    1. Refuse to hear the case, in which case the US military would step in and Donald Trump would most likely be appointed interim President until a new election took place
    2. Rule that no voter fraud took place, in which case the US military would step in, knowing that the court had been corrupted and Donald Trump would most likely be appointed interim President until a new election took place
    3. Rule that voter fraud did indeed take place and annul the election results. Each state would get one vote and Donald Trump would again become President
    In any of the 3 scenarios, the current administration, which has been so destructive, would be out and those policies implemented by Trump and reversed would, themselves, be reversed.

    The outcome of all this is that the US would again start to prosper and this will have a flow-on affect world-wide. With the mass arrests that will no doubt follow for the election fraud and other Deep State crimes about to be revealed, those Deep State members embedded in various governments around the world will begin to be exposed and arrested for their crimes.

    Something to ponder.
    "Know thyself and thou shall know all the mysteries of the gods and of the universe"