Welcome to this forum

This forum is aimed primarily at New Zealand residents, however, everyone is welcome.

If you haven't already done so - please review our aims here.

I would like to state here, especially to any media that may read this: We are not posting or interested in "conspiracy theory". We are only posting verifiable facts and peer reviewed science and legal arguments, so that all can be accurately informed. There is a separate section for opinion pieces that may or may not be based upon real science, but, again, we stay away from "conspiracy theory".

We present the other side of the argument the media won't broadcast! If media did their job properly they would be completely unbiased and present both sides of the argument. The fact that they don't, creates websites such as this.

Our aim to to educate you about Covid-19, the vaccines, the pandemic, mask mandates, social distancing & lockdowns. From this information you are free to make up your own mind as to whether you get vaccinated or not, or if you have already been vaccinated, what potential harm you may need to consider.

We are not against vaccines as such - but we are against enforced vaccination or vaccination through blackmail e.g. get vaccinated or lose your job. This is completely improper and a breach of your human rights, the Nuremberg Code as well as The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and thus, remains unlawful even if legislated.

Everyone can read posts in most forums, but you will need to be registered to post information. Posts must remain respectful.

You are entitled to your opinion as are we. If you don't like what we post - present evidence to the contrary or go somewhere else.

If you are a whistle-blower you will need to make contact with us to be designated as such. You will then be able to post in the Whistle-blower forum. We will not reveal to any 3rd party any information we hold about you in accordance with the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020.

If you find this forum informative - please pass our web address on to others.